Discover the Perfect Tool for Creating Pollinator-Friendly Gardens: A Step-by-Step Guide

This online tool uses an algorithm that curates plant selections based on your region, soil type, and light conditions, ensuring that the plants you choose will support a wide variety of pollinators. It’s simple to use, and the best part? You can visually explore your garden design before ever planting a single seed.

How It Works

Pollinators, like bees and butterflies, see the world differently from humans. Their eyes can detect ultraviolet light, which reveals markings on flowers that are invisible to us, guiding them to the pollen inside. This is why designing a garden with pollinators in mind is so important—by choosing the right plants, we can create environments that are both functional for pollinators and aesthetically pleasing for humans.

With this tool, all you need to do is input your garden’s size, soil type, and light conditions. The algorithm will then generate a personalized plant palette based on expert research and recommendations. You can adjust the plant species, the layout of the garden, and even experiment with different design patterns. There’s also a unique feature that allows you to switch to "pollinator vision," so you can see your garden from the perspective of an insect!

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Set Your Garden Specifications: Start by telling the tool about your garden—its size, soil type, and light exposure. This information will help the algorithm generate the best plant selection for your location.
  2. Customize Your Design: Once the algorithm curates a plant palette for you, you can rotate the garden view, zoom in, and see which species have been selected by turning on the “Show Plant Names” feature. You can also switch to pollinator vision and see how the garden will look throughout different seasons using the animation tool.
  3. Finalize Your Garden: When you’re satisfied with your adjustments, click the “Create New Garden” button. This will generate a unique layout tailored to your specifications. You can download the free planting instructions, which include detailed steps for bringing your garden to life, along with a certificate of authenticity for your custom pollinator-friendly garden.

Why I Love This Tool

I’ve shared this tool multiple times now because it’s truly a game-changer for garden and landscape designers. The combination of expert-curated plant choices, ease of use, and the ability to visualize your garden before planting makes it a must-try for anyone passionate about eco-friendly garden design.

Whether you’re a professional landscape designer or someone who enjoys gardening as a hobby, this tool can help you create spaces that support pollinators and contribute to a healthier ecosystem.

Check out my full video tutorial on YouTube, where I walk you through the process step by step. You can find the link in my bio. Happy garden designing!

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